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St Aloysius’ and Waverley College XC Relays Results

Image: courtesy Anthony Sork

Image: courtesy Anthony Sork

Waverley Cross Country – Weekend Report, Saturday 29 April 2023

After several solid weeks of pre-season training and holiday preparation, the official Cross Country season finally got underway on Saturday, at the Waverley/St Aloysius’ Teams Relay event at Upjohn Park, Rydalmere.

A full team of excited Waverley boys headed out west for a classic wet and slippery meet. This season’s starting, relay format, initiated by Mr Roff, involved junior, intermediate and senior relay teams of four boys, each doing a 2km single loop of the park, and returning to the start/finish area to tag with the next runner.

With all No. 1 runners across each of the three age groups heading out together from the start line, it was a real stampede, but quickly thinned out as the pack headed out across the undulating and twisting course. With the combined GPS/CAS and several independent and girls’ schools attending, there was a big crowd of cheering parents/carers and teammates, and a real buzz around the start/finish area.  

Waverley teams in all three age divisions performed strongly, and while we didn’t bring home any bling this week, there were some strong individual performances across the board – which is encouraging for the season ahead. The Open team finished in 7th, the intermediate team in 10th, and the junior team in 6th.

Look out for more results in the weeks to come as the racing increases from this week’s relatively short sprint distance of 2km, up to the regular season standards of 8, 6 and 4k across the age groups. 

Image: Courtesy Anthony Sork

Image: Courtesy Anthony Sork

A big shout out to Mr Newbury (TAS Department), for the creation of our medallions, that allowed us to present the podium teams in each age group with their hard-fought medals to take home.

Another shout-out to all the parents/carers who made the trip out to Rydalmere – thank you for the support. We hope you can all make it along next Saturday, 6 May at our local Centennial Park circuit around Mackay Oval for more exciting racing action.   

Waves to Win!


Campbell Groves and Hugo Morgan (Co-Captains 2023)

Waverley College Cross Country