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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

St Catherine’s Cadets and Passing Out Parade Invitation

St Catherine's School cadets

Our St Catherine’s cadets have been busy promoting Cadets as a co-curricular activity to the Year 8 girls this past week. Cadets is still a relatively new phenomenon at the school, and explaining what it is about and the benefits it affords was so well displayed during an activity afternoon on Wednesday.

Planned and executed completely by the cadets, the girls were involved in lessons in Camouflage and Concealment, Cooking Ration Packs, Ratel Battleship and the Obstacle Course and Mine Sweep activities. Each session was run by the rank and their professionalism, confidence and expertise made them excellent ambassadors for the Cadet Unit.

The afternoon was followed up with a Parent Information Evening on Monday with many parents/carers and girls attending, excited to be involved in such a different activity.

St Catherine's School Cadets

St Catherine's School Cadets

Passing Out Parade

Today, we are conducting the first of our Passing Out Parade rehearsals as we prepare to farewell our Year 12 cadets on Sunday, 4 June. The next rehearsal will be on Friday, 2 June.

All parents/carers are welcome to come and view the Annual Parade and Cadet Awards Ceremony. Please view the invitation below.

Cadets invitation

A reminder that the Promotions Courses for JLC, SLC and CUO candidates will be held from Monday, 26 June – Saturday, 1 July at Winbourne Conference Centre, Mulgoa. Further information will be sent out next week.