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Stage 5 Subject Selection Information Evening

Year 7 TAS

Dear Parents and Carers,

As your sons will be entering Year 9 next year, for the first time they will have some choice over their pattern of study for Years 9 and 10.

Over Years 9 and 10, apart from the mandatory subjects, the students study two additional subjects commonly referred to as electives.

You can view the Stage 5 Subject Selection Information Booklet for 2025/26 on the Curriculum page of the College website. The booklet provides outlines on the pattern of study that the students undertake over Years 9 and 10, including the elective subjects available.

On Tuesday, 25 June (Week 9), students and parents will have the opportunity to attend subject selection presentations in Kenny Classrooms from 6pm-7pm where they will learn more about courses in which they are interested and can ask Heads of Department or delegates any questions. Venues will be confirmed closer to the date.

The subject selection process will be completed online early next term. Details on how to do this process will be sent out closer to the time.

The most important thing is that the students are selecting elective subjects that they will enjoy. These are important decisions to make as they will influence the staffing and resourcing decisions the College has to make for the 2025 timetable.


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum