Ms Martina Cooper, Director of Curriculum
The process for Stage 6 subject selection has already commenced this term.
Appropriate subject selection for study in Stage 6 is of great importance as it directly leads to the awarding of the Higher School Certificate.
To that end, we aim to provide a clear, thorough and supportive process in the lead up to these selections so that students may make informed decisions about their courses of study for their senior years. We advise students to select subjects in which there is the greatest aptitude, interest and ability in order to achieve the best possible result and the most satisfaction.
As outlined in the Year 10 Information Evening in Term 1, students are supported in the subject selection during the Term 2 activities in the Careers and Wellbeing periods that are scheduled every Wednesday, Week A, Period 1. During these periods, Heads of Department presentations will run in Weeks 5, 7 and 9 to assist students’ decision making.
Semester 1 is an important period for feedback where assessment task results will be closely reviewed in conjunction with the Career Profiling tests conducted in Term 1 and Allwell Test results which the students sat on 15 May. Students’ achievement levels in these will influence which courses they will be eligible to select.
Attached to this letter are two documents which are also available on the College Website:
- Subject Information Booklet – comprehensive guide to policies, course prerequisites and course content
- Subject Requirement Booklet – Criteria for course eligibility and enrolment
These should be read in conjunction with all of the opportunities for discussion and advice available to each and every student. Students will not be asked to submit their initial selections until early Term 3 after the Parent/Teacher Interviews.
The College uses an online system for the students to nominate their subject selections for Stage 6.
Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in early July. They must complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside the office of Ms Ozdirik – EA to the Director of Curriculum, on Level 1 by Thursday 8th August.
Timeline – Term 2
- Wednesday 15 May – Allwell Testing Periods 1-4
- Monday 13 to Thursday 23 May – Career Profile Interviews
- Wednesday 22 May, Wednesday 5 June and Wednesday 19 June – Head of Department presentations in Period 1
- Tuesday 25 June – Year 10 Subject Selection Information evening
- Week 9 – Online Subject Selection made available via email link
- End of Term 2 – Year 10 reports issued online
Timeline – Term 3
- Tuesday 23 July 8.30 am – 6.30 pm Parent/ Teacher/ Student Interviews
- Thursday 25 July – Subject Selection online submissions due and hard printout copies placed in the box outside the office of Ms. Ozdirik – EA to the Director of Curriculum on Level 1