From the Head of Mathematics, Phoebe Guirguis
2017 will see a number of excellent initiatives implemented by the Waverley College Mathematics Department.
Firstly, we are introducing a new program based on many enquiries by parents and students, which is called Strength in Numbers. These are classes run by Waverley mathematics teachers to offer extra help to students who are struggling with particular concepts, or who just want to come in early to complete homework or extension work. Strength in Numbers will run every Wednesday and Thursday morning from 8 am in E24. The volume of these classes will increase as the need and demand grows.
Secondly, we are excited to introduce a new Mathematics program to the College called Mathspace. This is a web-based program committed to providing a learning environment for our students that encourages success and confidence through personalised learning. It’s a step-by-step adaptive learning technology which automatically adapts questions to meet each student’s level and pace. Each student from Year 7-10 has access to this program and it should be used to extend their knowledge in the subject or to increase their understanding of a particular topic by watching the tutorials provided.
Thirdly, as we begin a new academic year it is essential to ensure that students at the College are best placed to maximise their performance over the course of the year. Here’s what’s happening in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10:
Year 7
It is College policy to grade Year 7 Mathematics by the end of Term 1.
Considerable time and effort will be spent by the Mathematics Department in considering the appropriate placement of your son. This will be guided by his performance in the Term 1 Mathematics examination and the Mathematics component of the Allwell test conducted in 2016. The weighting is 70:30 respectively.
The Term 1 examination takes place on Monday 13 March, Week 7, Period 2. It is a 45 minute exam and the topics to be tested will be issued to all students two weeks prior to the exam. A copy of the notification will be published on Haiku.
Students will commence their new Mathematics class before the end of this term. The parent/teacher interviews are held in Week 10 of Term 1 and will be conducted with their current Mathematics teacher.
Year 8
The structure of the Year 8 Mathematics classes for 2017 are as follows:
Classes 1, 2 and 3 are graded.
Classes 4, 5 and 6 are parallel mixed ability.
Classes 7 and 8 are parallel mixed ability.
Parallel mixed ability classes mean that the boys are not graded within these classes. (Please note if your son was in, for example, 7MA04 last year and is now in 8MA06, this does not mean he has been “demoted”.)
Year 9
The structure of the Year 9 Mathematics classes for 2017 are as follows:
Classes 1, 2 and 3 are Level 3 Mathematics and graded.
Classes 4, 5, 6 and 7 are Level 2 Mathematics and parallel mixed ability.
Classes 8 and 9 are Level 1 Mathematics and parallel mixed ability.
Parallel mixed ability classes mean that the boys are not graded within these course classes. (Please note if your son was in, for example, 8MA04 last year and is now in 9MA07, this does not mean he has been “demoted”.)
Year 10
The structure of the Year 10 Mathematics classes for 2017 are as follows
Class 1 is the Accelerated class by invitation.
Classes 2 and 3 are Level 3 Mathematics.
Classes 4, 5, 6 and 7 are Level 2 Mathematics and parallel mixed ability.
Classes 8 and 9 are Level 1 Mathematics and parallel mixed ability.
Parallel mixed ability classes mean that the boys are not graded within these course classes.
I would like to wish your son well in his study of Mathematics and encourage him to commit himself solidly to his studies to ensure that he achieves according to his potential. Similarly, I offer you our assurance that your son’s teachers will work assiduously to ensure that he is given every opportunity to succeed.