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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Students Develop Their Lifelong Musical Journey at Annual Music Camp

Music Camp 2022

Last week, 55 students from Years 7-12 along with five staff members, attended the Annual Music Camp at Kiah Ridge Christian Conference Centre, located south west of Picton.

The ensembles in attendance included the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band, Matthew Coorey Concert Band, Jazz Band A, Jazz Band B, College Choir, Chamber Choir, Brass Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble and Chamber Strings Ensemble. 

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

The students spent three days rehearsing within their respective ensemble, developing new friendships and coming together as a strong music community improving their skills, sound and repertoire.

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

A highlight was certainly the annual talent show, held on Thursday evening. The students and staff enjoyed watching over 12 acts perform on a range of instruments and voices. The talent show demonstrated the vast variety of talent and strong sense of camaraderie and spirit amongst this group of students.

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

I would like to commend the students on their exemplary behaviour throughout the camp, and thank the senior students in Years 11 and 12, and in particular the Music Captain Evan Hodges for their leadership displayed on camp.

I would also like to thank the wonderful music staff Mr Chris Blenkinsopp, Ms Jaz Dolso, Mr Dan Williams, Mr Alexander Lee and Mrs Keiran Kossenberg, for their dedication and selfless support for the students in helping develop their lifelong musical journey. 

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022

Music Camp 2022


Mr Chris Balkizas

Head of Music
