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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Students Learn More About Positive Social Relationships at Anti-Violence Presentation and Q&A

The Years 7 and 8 cohorts were involved in the Anti-Violence Education campaign on Tuesday. The presentation spoke about the importance of young people engaging in positive social relationships and respecting everyone’s personal space.

This presentation supports the Youth Anti-Violence Education Campaign that was launched by the Commissioner of Police in 2022. The presentation included an interactive presentation and Q&A with two senior police officers.

Students were also shown a 12-minute anti-violence video which was produced by the NSW Police Force and co-funded by the Department of Education and the Advocate for Children and Young People. It featured high-profile players from various sporting codes, such as Sonny Bill Williams, who shared their personal experiences and stance against violence.

The students were very engaged and respectful during the presentation and should be commended on the way they conducted themselves.

NSW Police Visit