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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Students Pose Their Own Questions to Reserve Bank of Australia

RBA Monetary Policy Talk

On Tuesday, 23 August, Years 11 and 12 Economics students were joined by Economic students from St Clare’s College in a live online presentation from the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Students listened to an economist discuss Monetary Policy and current economic conditions. The presentation covered an in-depth analysis of current and predicted trends involving headline inflation, interest rates, consumption, investment, wage growth and geo-political influences.

Trend Analysis

Trend Analysis

In the leadup to their examination period, students were fortunate to have the opportunity to pose their own questions to the bank. Questions submitted included the role of monetary policy, future rate rises, the accuracy of bank predictions, China’s looming invasion of Taiwan, and the current conflict with Russia and the Ukraine.

Overall, students found the event very worthwhile. Thank you to Mr Picone and Ms Barber from St Clare’s College.

RBA Monetary Policy Talk


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation
