From Patricia Alborough, Sustainability Group Coordinator
Extra-curricular – Sustainability Group
‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ – Ghandi.
If you have an idea on how to improve our schools impact on the environment or want to get involved in Waverley College’s movement towards being a more sustainable school.
You are invited to join the Sustainability Group.
Meetings will be held every Friday before school at 7:45am – 8:30 am in K2L3 – starting 22nd March. Ms Alborough will be helping you develop and run campaigns for the school and the community that you are passionate about.
If you have any questions/want to sign up please see Ms Alborough in the science staffroom by the 14th March.
In an aim to reduce the plastic used in the school we are slowly removing single use plastics such as straws, plastic cutlery and bottled water.
Students can soon purchase a ‘Waverley College’ stainless steel reusable water bottle from the canteen for $15. As a one off, students may forget their water bottles. Students can still purchase water bottles in the vending machine outside the weights room and they can use the newly installed water bubblers and water bottle fillers across the school.
This year, the canteen will be trialling different eco friendly containers. This will be an ongoing process to identify containers that are cost effective and still encourage student purchase. As a result of these changes to provide for a better environment for the future of your sons and the young adults of tomorrow, a small cost increase may need to be passed on by way of a price increase in 2020.
In 2018, we bought and disposed of roughly 1000 single use cups for school events. By launching our re-useable plastic cups from BetterCup at the Parent Association Welcome Cocktail Party we had a 90% reduction in single use plastic waste. These cups will be used at all College events in place of disposable cups, for hot and cold drinks. They will also be available to purchase.
Recycling batteries, phone and print cartridges
Waverley College will be installing a permanent waste station in the Senior Campus Recepion to allow for the safe disposal of some ‘hard to get rid of’ products.
These include:
- Batteries
- Phones
- Tablets
- Print cartridges
Students will be allowed to bring in these items from home to prevent these products from entering landfill and leaching toxins into our soil.
Reminders will be on Nurrunga throughout the year.
If you have any suggestions or concerns, feel free to email palborough@waverley.nsw.edu.au