In Term 4, Sustainability Group led by Jayden Lim, Sebastian Van-De Hoek and Hayden Walker took up their trowels to plant our new Sustainability Garden. As part of the Living Connections program, Waverley Council kindly provided many beautiful native plants such as Coastal Wattle, Wonga Wonga Vine and Native Geraniums in order to help Waverley College to become a valuable nature corridor for Australian wildlife.
Urban areas often fragment habitat corridors and prevent wildlife from moving around, feeding and reproducing. In order to reconnect coastal areas to other urban habitats for birds such as the Superb fairy-wren and the New Holland honeyeater, we have planted this garden. We look forward to seeing how the Sustainability Garden will develop over time.
Sustainability Group meets every Tuesday Lunchtime in E04. All are welcome to come along.