From the Director of Learning, Elizabeth Watson
Reflective Learner = Effective Learner
Welcome back to the 2017 school year. I trust all families are well rested after the summer break. I offer a special welcome to those new families joining our very close Waverley community.
A core value of the Waverley College strategic direction is liberating the potential of every learner. Our aim is to ensure that all boys can achieve growing academic success by all its measures. A key element of achieving success is resilience and building capacity to be an effective learner.
The challenge for our boys is to be actively reflective throughout their learning and develop habits that assist in being an effective lifelong learner.
The start of the year is the perfect time to reflect and reassess. It is a great time to look back and decide what worked, what didn’t and what new approaches you will try. Think about what you would like to achieve this year both academically and in your personal life.
A great way to do this is through taking a few minutes to do a SWOT analysis. You can either write your answers down or discuss with someone or just think about your responses.
- What went well for you at school last year?
- What study and time management techniques worked for you?
- What skills do you have that help you to do your best at school?
- What were your greatest challenges in achieving your personal best at school?
- What do you struggle with most as a student?
- What do you need the most help with?
- What one thing could you do differently this year that would most help you to improve your results?
- What skills do you most need to focus on improving this year?
- Who in your life would be able to help you to be a better student?
- What are the biggest obstacles to you making changes in your approach?
- Are there other students you sit with who make learning difficult?
- What is stopping you from achieving the best results you can at school?
After you have worked through the SWOT analysis, choose the top 5 changes you want to make this year and write these down. Put these goals somewhere where you will see them every day before you go to school. If possible also write down some specific actions or steps you could take to achieve these goals. A good way to do this is at the start of each week write down the steps you want to take for that week.
Remember to keep your goals SMART
Specific, action based learning goals rather than results based
Enhanced Learning Educational Services
Further tips on how to transition into the new school and how to be a more effective learner can be found on Prue Salter’s Study Skills website-Enhanced Learning Educational Services.
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If you go to the THINGS TO PRINT page after you log in you will find lots of useful grids and planners for this year like a weekly calendar or term planner.
During Term 1, Prue will be addressing Year 11 students with their parents on Tuesday 21st February and Year 7 students with their parents on Tuesday 7th March.
Future study skills seminars will be announced as they approach.
Wishing all families a great start to the 2017 school year.