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Tech-Free Twenty Challenge

From Librarian, Sue Bognar

Do you want your son to improve his reading?
Do you want to encourage your son to read more?
Do you want your son to stop spending so much time on-screen?

I would imagine that most parents would give a resounding “Yes!” to each of these questions.

We all know the pressure of phones, email and social media. They are known reasons for people to read less and to be distracted from reading. So why not try the Tech-Free Twenty Challenge?

Everyone – siblings, parents and anyone else in the house – comes to one area to read (fiction, non-fiction, magazines, newspapers etc). All technology is in another room (try the garage) and notifications are turned off.

Why everyone? Young people need to model their behaviour on positive examples – and that’s where the rest of the family comes in. If everyone else is still on screens and talking into phones, they will only feel resentful.

So why not give it a try? Your son can come to the Library to find some great reading.