Term 4 is a very short and very busy term in Cadets.
Over the six Fridays of Home Training left in 2024, every cadet has to be swim tested in their Cadet uniform, every cadet will go on the Archery excursion, and every cadet will learn how to play the drums!
Dress Code for recruits is 4B Summer Field Dress which means the DPCU shirt with shirt sleeves down, DPCU trousers bloused and the field hat. In warmer weather, recruits may choose not to wear an undershirt but the DPCU shirt must always be worn. Under no circumstances should the undershirt be worn alone. Field hats must be worn as they leave the house in the morning.
Please keep an eye on the Waverley App and the Routine Orders from week to week to know what to bring for your Company activities.
The last training for 2024 is Friday, 22 November.
Golden Boot Competition and first Home Training for 2025 – 7 FEB 25
AFX Advance Party (selected cadets only) – 4 APR – 5 APR 25
AFX Main Body (whole Unit + Year 9 camp) – 6 APR – 11 APR 25
Passing Out Parade (whole Unit + Year 12 graduation) – 15 JUN 25
Promotions Courses (JLC + SLC + CUO) – 14 JUL – 19 JUL 25
Tomorrow, Saturday 19 October, our CAS Milskills Team will compete against Barker, Knox, St Aloysius and Trinity for the coveted Military Skills Trophy. Under the guidance of CUO Lachlan Hoy, the team has been diligently training for weeks to bring their skills up to speed and we are very proud of their dedication and teamwork. We wish the Team all the best for the competition.
CAS Milskills Team
CUO Ruby Congdon
CUO Lachlan Hoy
CUO Jasmine Trustrum
WO2 Oliver Bracic
SGT Ashton Scally
SGT Lauren Sheehan
SGT Thomas Vanderkemp
SGT Chris Wellington
SCPL James Grant
CPL Maggie-Kate Allman Powell
CPL Emily Freedman
CPL Oliver Isaac
CPL Carter Kennedy
CPL Kerry Isaac
CPL Blake Richardson
CPL Aroha Tumohe-Campbell
CPL Florence Vinnell
CPL Axel Stapleton