Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Term 4 is a short term in the Cadet Calendar – just six Fridays for the Recruits! Dress Code for recruits will be 4B Summer Field Dress which means the DPCU shirt with shirt sleeves down, DPCU trousers bloused and the field hat. In warmer weather, recruits chose not to wear an undershirt but the DPCU shirt must always be worn. Under no circumstances should the undershirt be worn alone.
As of next week, we have a number of exciting external activities including Archery, Laser Tag, Snake Man and Swim Testing. Please keep an eye on the Waverley App and the Routine Orders from week to week to know what to bring.
- Last training for 2023 for recruits is Friday, 17 November 2023.
- Last training for 2023 for rank is Friday, 23 November 2023.
CAS Milskills Competition 2023
Tomorrow, Saturday 14 October, our CAS Milskills Team will compete against Barker, Knox, St Aloysius’ and Trinity for the coveted Military Skills Trophy. Our team has been diligently training for weeks to bring their skills up to speed, and we are very proud of their dedication and teamwork.
A big thank you to WO2 Lachlan Isaac and SGT Rohan Baker for their initiative and leadership. We wish the Team all the best for the competition.
CAS Milskills Team
BAKER | Rohan |
BALLESTY | Harry |
COFFEY | Alexandra |
COMINO | Daniela |
GRANT | James |
HA | Natalie |
HOTT | Yannick |
HOY | Lachlan |
ISAAC | Lachlan |
ROVACCHI | Renato |
SALEM | Amelie |
WEBB | Benjamin |
BRACIC | Oliver |
LYNN | Taj |
SIMCOCKS | Lucas |
Running the First Aid Stand
CONGDON | Ruby |
KIMPTON | Georgina |
MCCARTHY | Campbell |
RIZOS-PARKER | Eve-Jasmine |
TRUSTRUM | Jasmine |