We are accepting new applications for students in Year 8 to begin their Awards. There are also spots available to complete Adventurous Journeys at the upcoming Year 8 camp.
Click HERE for the registration form
Click HERE to make payment
Paramount to the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, is individual ownership and responsibility towards achieving goals in a skill, physical activity and voluntary service.
The onus will be on our gentlemen to ensure they are meeting the expectations and demands associated with completing their Award, utilising the many resources available to them through the College.
With a large proportion of boys at the College already part of many co-curricular and social justice commitments, the Award can be a meaningful way to recognise the wonderful achievements already being undertaken by many of our students.
There are also opportunities to progress towards Silver and Gold Awards, which also carry great reward, recognition and prestige.
Meetings are held during lunchtime on Week B Thursdays to track student progress and for key information and details about the Award.
When: Lunchtime, Thursday(Week B)
Location: N31
For more details and information please email:
Alon Horry: ahorry@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Laura McLarnon: lmclarnon@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Alon Horry
Coordinator of The Duke of Edinburgh International Award