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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Would You Like to Be Involved in 2023?

Last week, students in Years 8 and 9 undertook their Practice and Qualifying Adventurous Journeys as part of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Bronze Award.

They engaged in a wide range of operations, testing their strengths and weaknesses, whilst building relationships along the way.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a global youth program which challenges young people to dream big, celebrate their achievements and make a difference in their world. Doing the Award is a personal challenge; pushing participants to their limits and recognising and celebrating achievements.

The Award is run in over 130 countries, with over 8 million young people participating worldwide. Our College currently offers this Award to students in Year 8 and above, and spans Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

For more information or to get involved please email Mr Alon Horry