Prefect of Spirituality, James Bodkin
From the Director of Mission, Phil Davis
O’Connor House Mass
Last Friday, 25 May, 2018, the O’Connor House Mass, was celebrated by Oscar Aguilera, OSM (who is standing in for College Chaplain Fr Bernie Thomas while he is on pilgrimage to the Holy Land). The Gospel (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26), which was acted out by O’Connor students, mirrored the message Speak through Action, the theme which our Year 12 Leaders have chosen for 2018. O’Connor Prefect of Spirituality James Bodkin connected this theme with life at Waverley College in his Reflection.
Other features of this Mass included the Entry Procession and Gospel Procession, while the Communion Reflection Song, If You’re Out There by John Legend, aptly connected to the idea that actions speak louder than words. I would like to thank the staff and students responsible for their organisation and specific roles during the Mass. I would also like to thank Mr Barr, Head of O’Connor House, for his assistance, as well as the parents who attended the O’Connor House Mass.
A reflection by James Bodkin
Speak through Action
This is the motto that the Class of 2018 has selected to signify what we believe is an imperative mentality. A mentality that refers to the actions of Jesus two thousand years ago, recorded in the Gospels. In the previous reading, Jesus was ridiculed for his attitude towards the child’s life, publicly embarrassed before all who were assembled. “They laughed at him”. It would have been easy for Jesus to back away at that point, and let his hopes remain only hopes, never transcending into an taken action. Yet this was not the case, Jesus followed his thoughts through action, restoring life in the young boy. Speaking is easy, actions are much harder and are more likely to reveal the true belief. People either communicate with their words or through their actions. Whether we decide to say we will do something means nothing without the right plan and actions that are required to follow. How would you react if you saw a new kid alone would you just stand back or are you going to be the one to speak and then act according so that he feels included? Are you going to be the person to point out things like vandalism and actually take action in positive way?
Will you be the one who comes up with the ways to make Waverley college a better place or spend your days complaining about what can be made better? I put the question to you, will you stand up and be the one who will speak through your actions?
Our Lady Help of Christians
Last Thursday, 24 May, Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, Mr Hearne and Mr Davis accompanied Year 9 Student Representative Council (SRC) students to St Mary’s Cathedral for the Sydney Archdiocesan School’s Mass to celebrate this feast. Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP was the Principal Celebrant of the Mass and he spoke of Mary’s significance to Australian Catholics symbolised in the naming of St Mary’s Cathedral and also in the beautiful painting of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (artist: Paul Newton). I would like to thank the following Year 9 SRC Students for representing Waverley College at this Mass:
Conor Boyd-Boland, Tom Cahill, Thomas Colman, William Gibson, Charles Harris, James Hoggett, Patrick Hoggett, Cooper O’Donnell, Lachlan Smith