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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

The One When Year 7 Visited Centennial Park

Year 7 Geography Religion Excursion Centennial Park in 2022

Waverley is proud of its cross-curricular offerings. For many years now, the Geography and Religion departments join together, align their content, and undertake a stimulating day of exploration with Year 7 at Centennial Parklands. This edifies their understanding of ‘Water in the World’ and ‘Stewards of Creation.’ 

The weather may have been overcast, but spirits were high as Year 7 participated in a joint Year 7 Geography and Religion Excursion. Students learnt navigation skills, studied water quality, met ducks, wrote prayers, reflected and solidified friendships – all whilst trying to stay as dry as possible.

The weather was kind to us, even though the walk to and from the College drew some complaints such as “the hill is too steep!” All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable day. Thank you to our energetic teachers who gave up their time to be part of this cross-curricular event, and to our enthusiastic students for participating in the day.


Mr Nicholas Sposari

Teacher of HSIE and Religion
