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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Theatresports Going Strong at Waverley!

Theatresports is going well!

From Drama teacher, Peter Lamb

Over the past few weeks, a dedicated group of Drama students in Years 7 to 11 have been diving in to our new co-curricular Theatresports program.

They have been working hard on improving their improvisation skills through a fun exploration of different improvisation games, that aim to entertain an audience and showcase their amazing performance skills.

Students are working towards competing in the 2017 Interschool Theatresports Competition in Term 2, and have adapted well to the demands of this new team sport. They don’t mind doing the extra practice on top of their sports commitments. As one boy said, ‘It’s not like it’s extra work. It’s fun! We get to goof around for an extra hour or two!

Go Waverley!