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Track & Field Season Review, 2019

CAS NIGHT, Head Coach Jeremy Roff hoisted aloft by his Team

Phoenix Dale (U13s) Doug Ricketson Cup for Most Improved Athlete

Sean Kearns Opens Age Champion

Alex Talbot Jeremey Roff Award for Best Middle Distance Athlete

From Convener of Track and Field, Kyle Newbury


The 2019 Track and Field season saw a lot of change from previous years. It saw the implementation of Head Coach Jeremy Roff, someone that has been at the top of the Track & Field arena, and represented not only Waverley, but Australia. This brought a strict new training routine, new experienced coaches, new staffing, and a target on Waverlian athletes to stand up, be proud of their school, and compete.

The athletes this year were led by Captain Tom Jaeger, and Vice Captains Oliver Tamsett and Luke Marshall. The team contained twenty Year 12’s who each put in the extra work and commitment to see their final year off as the first year towards reclaiming the CAS Track and Field Championship. The season saw an increase of numbers, with over 140 athletes hitting the track or field in 2019. This year, we’re calling on the talent we found and the talent that is yet to be found to get out there and strive for personal bests in 2020. 

The season and CAS night is always one that shows the determination and spirit of a team, we saw athletes breaking PBs in a host of events, chasing down one extra runner, throwing slightly better, jumping further and higher, all contributing to one shared goal. Improving. 

The U16-Opens age groups showed a whole lot of resilience, pride and fortitude this year, hitting the CAS competition with rejuvenated enthusiasm and energy to proudly represent their school, and as previously mentioned, set a shining example for the younger ages coming through the system.

The U13s-Y15s age groups showed school spirit, skill and a range of talents, to gain 1st and 2nd place results in a host of events. This included Javelin, Discus, Shot Put, Long Jump, High Jump, 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay events. With two junior schoolboys (Jack Johnson and Luke Newrick) competing at CAS we already have an advantage in the 2020 season with these boys returning to compete in the U13’s multiple times.

The 2019 squad and CAS team improved it’s 2018 CAS point tally by 8% in a short 12-week campaign, to move from 6th place over the past two seasons, to 5th place. With the future training goals, routine and our incredible junior athletes, we have big goals in sight for the next few years. The squad will be starting up Term 4 and Term 1 training sessions to continue this improvement, building upon the dominant displays shown.

Track and Field itself can sometimes be seen as an individual sport, and at times it certainly is, however, it is vital that we have a team, that pushes each other to new PBs, constantly demanding improvement if we wish to succeed on a CAS result. Out of the 140+ athletes we had around 100 compete on CAS night, and the support of the other 40 spurred them on, knowing that they were accountable for the way they represented and competed for the College.

With the introduction of a new T&F based song, BLUE & GOLD, by Old Boy Skryptcha (Class of 2004), the squad had something new in their pockets, and although it was only introduced 24hours before the carnival, it seemed to have a host of support from the school and the team. It is in introductions and inclusions such as a song for the College, that we intend to shift the culture of Track & Field. A sport that has a rich history at Waverley College, and is vital to the improvement of other co-curricular activities besides it.

A resounding message from Head Coach and Convenor: it is never too late to join, and every athlete we have at the College has the potential to succeed in one discipline or another. So come down, get involved, and look to better yourself. The proof is seen in Nat Yarrow and Ben Rogers of Year 12. In their first season for the College, between them, they represented us in the 200m, 400m, 800m and 1500m, also reserving for the 100m and 4x100m relays, both smashing PBs on the night and adding vital points to the team.

Season Standouts included Jack Johnson and Luke Newrick ripping it up in the U13s, despite still being U11 and U12 competitors from the Junior school. Ricardo Zanapalis destroying a U13’s Long Jump record that stood for 36 years. Jackson Kelser throwing 34m in U13s Javelin to come first on CAS Day. Jared Garwood and Zach Straker in the U15s constantly running amazing PBs. James Simpson in the U16s taking one second off his 100m and two seconds off his 200m times during the short six week season. Thomas Jaeger, Captain and Best Team Man 2019, competing in his first and last CAS Carnival, and always shining as a leading example to the squad, coaches and College.

Thank you to all the staff, coaches, athletes and parents, as previously mentioned at the Track & Field Presentation Night, your support is extremely valued and we could not do this job without you. 

If you want to know more about the Waverley Track & Field program, or get involved in 2020, see Mr Newbury in the TAS staffroom, Mr Roff in the Weights & Fitness room, or Director or Co-Curricular Mr O’Donnell in his office.

Waves to Win!

2019 Special Award Winners:

  • U13s Age Champion – Riccardo Zanapalis
  • U14s Age Champion – Alejandro Zanapalis
  • U15s Age Champion – Dane Towns
  • U16s Age Champion – Ullhas Dey
  • U17s Age Champion – Luke Marshall
  • Opens Age Champion – Sean Kearns
  • Doug Ricketson Cup, Most Improved Athlete – Phoenix Dale (U13s)
  • Brother Lewis Award, Best Hurdler – Luke Marshall (U17s)
  • Gary Judd Cup, Best Team Man – Thomas Jaeger (U17s)
  • Jeremy Roff Award, Best Middle Distance Athlete – Alex Talbot (U17s)
  • Morris Currota Cup, Most Outstanding CAS Performance – Luke Marshall (U17s)
  • School Record – Ricardo Zanapalis (U13’s Long Jump 5.59m)
  • Junior Representative Awards – Jack Johnson (U13s 400m and 800m)
  • Junior Representative Awards – Luke Newrick (U13s Long Jump)


T&F BLUE & GOLD SONG featuring Skryptcha 

Mr Jeremy Roff asked Old Boy, Angus Mead aka Skyrptcha (Class of 2004), to help him write a song for the track and field team to say thank you for all of their efforts of the season. Jeremy previously coached Skyrptcha when he was in the middle distance team.

BLUE & GOLD- Spotify