Interior of College Chapel, 2016
From the Director of Mission, Phillip Davis
Tevlin House Mass
The Tevlin House Mass which is our final house mass for this year takes place this Friday 25 August in the College Chapel at 8.20am.
Fr John Bosman MSC has kindly offered to celebrate this Mass. All parents are most welcome to attend.
Tevlin House students are required to attend.
Senior School Father’s Day Mass
Fathers and grandfathers of students in the Senior School are invited to join with their sons at an 8.10am Mass in the College Chapel on Thursday 31 August to celebrate Father’s Day. This will be followed by light refreshments for you and your son in the Fitzgerald Room, Level 3, Main Building.
To RSVP, please click HERE.
Australian Catholic Youth Festival
The Australian Catholic Youth Festival takes place on 7-9 December at Homebush. The Festival is for school students Years 9-12 and young adults aged 18-30. Students under 18 years of age must attend as part of a group.
For information see https://waverley.nsw.edu.au/events/australian-catholic-youth-festival/
Waverley College will be taking a group on Thursday 7 December if there are sufficient students interested in Years 9-12. The cost for the day is $125.00. Please note that is the first day of Waverley College student holidays. Students who are interested in attending on this day are to email Mr Davis by 1 September.
For those students wishing to attend for the three days, the Eastern Deanery will have two groups going: Students from Years 9-12 and Young Adults (18-30).
Contact details for the Eastern Deanery
0414 188 682 (Janice)
Students interested in going with the Eastern Deanery.