From Head of Visual Arts, Tanya Schneider
Every year on behalf of the Association of Independent Schools Ms Tanya Schneider designs and organises the AIS, NSW Visual Arts Conference. This year it was held at the iconic Museum of Contemporary Art on 16 May.
This year’s Visual Arts Conference theme was “ The Medium is the Message “ This term was coined by the famous philosopher Marshal McLuhan.
The Conferences aim was to expose Secondary School Visual Arts educators to a range of inspiring artists who shared their experiences and artist practice with them. Amongst the conference presenters was the very respected Mr. John Wolseley- Australian outback landscape painter ; Ms. Caroline Rothwell-Sculptor and Installation artist; Mr. Guo Jian-Contemporary painter and digital artist. Amongst the guests who presented Visual Arts pedagogy and the latest NESA news updates was Ms. Rosemary Gorman- Creative Arts Inspector NESA.

Caroline Rothwell at work
The MCA educators lead digital workshops and organised a tour of the most recent exhibitions at the MCA. Ms. Kerri Ainsworth presented ideas about how to develop Installation works and Mr. Idris Murphy lead an exciting painting workshop.
Special thanks to Waverley College; The Association of Independent Schools and the Museum of Contemporary Art for supporting the AIS Visual Arts Conference 2017

Tanya Schneider with John Wolseley