From the Convenor of Volleyball, Belinda Buchan
This weekend we are playing at St Ignatius College at Riverview.
2nds play at 10am (9:30am arrival for warm-up)
1sts play at 11:30am (11am arrival for warm-up)
To try and boost the profile of Volleyball within schools and across GPS/CAS schools, Riverview have decided to introduce afternoon-tea for all 1st and 2nd Grade volleyballers.
From the Convenor of Volleyball at Riverview:
“We would like to extend the invitation to Waverley college to join us at the conclusion of the 1st Grade match. It will take place across the road and our families will provide food and drinks for the players, coaches and families.
The event will consist of the MIC giving a brief thank you and the 1st Grade captains will be expected to say a few words as well. It will last for about 30 minutes. Our boys will be wearing their playing uniform and school blazer on top.”
I am therefore asking for Waverley 1st and 2nd teams to arrive wearing their correct Waverley playing uniform and their Blazers over the top so we look professional and ready for the competition and after match function.
There have been a number of boys wearing non-Waverley attire (track pants, tour hoodies, etc.) and this gives the impression that we do not respect or care about our College or the competition.
Thanks for your support and understanding with this endeavor.
I look forward to seeing you all at Riverview on Saturday.