Save the Date!
Parents and Players are invited to the Waverley College Cricket Presentation Evening.
What Will Happen on the Night?
- A sausage sizzle
- A virtual cricket bat prize giveaway
- Years 5-12 team awards
- Presentation of the Brother Murphy Award
When: Saturday, 19 March 2022, 6pm-8.30pm
Where: Br Lacey Gymnasium, 131 Birrell St, Waverley
Cost: $10 per person + 50c booking fee (includes sausage sizzle). Drinks available for purchase at the bar.
Dress: Students are to wear their full summer school uniform including tie and blazer. School shorts are permitted. Casual attire for parents.
Where Can I Book and Learn More About Prizes?
>>> Click here to view booking and prize information.
CAS Representatives – Congratulations Hirav, Jonathon and Toby
Congratulations to Hirav Gandhi of Year 11 for being selected in the CAS 1st XI to play against the ISA 1st XI at St Aloysius’ College Oval last Sunday. Although the rain impacted play on Sunday, the College is still very proud of Hirav and his selection.
Further congratulations and best wishes go to both Jonathon and Toby McDonald who have been selected in the CAS U/15 team that will play against arch-rivals, GPS, at St Joseph’s College this Sunday, 6 March. Well done to both McDonald boys. They have consistently been amongst Waverley’s top performers, and genuinely love their cricket.
Mr Sean Picone
Convenor of Cricket
E: spicone@waverley.nsw.edu.au