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Waverley College leading the way in anti-bullying programs

Patrick Hoggett, Luke McLellan and Conor Boyd-Boland with Jenny Brockie.

From Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan

This week myself and three students from the College, along with over 500 delegates attended the inaugural NSW Anti-bullying Strategy Conference. This was an Australian-first event bringing together 18 international and national experts to address the global issue of student bullying. This conference was a unique opportunity for NSW educators across all school sectors to come together and share information and best-practice expertise on combatting one of the biggest issues in schools today. Waverley College’s Anti-bullying Strategy, imbedded in our student wellbeing program has seen major strides in this area. So much so that we were invited to take part in a panel to share what we are doing here at the College. On Monday Patrick Hoggett, Conor Boyd-Boland and Luke McLellan shared to the 500 delegates the great initiatives we have at Waverley to combat bullying. The conference was hosted by SBS ‘Insight’ presenter, Jenny Brockie. On Tuesday it was my turn, discussing scenarios and strategies involving cyber-bullying.

The conference outlined whole-school interventions to promote positive social behaviours and prevent bullying behaviours as well as early interventions to identify and support at-risk students and situations.

Delegates were provided with strategies to support behaviour change in students involved in bullying behaviours, including methods of shared concern and other restorative techniques, as well as specific strategies to prevent and respond to online bullying.