Date: Thursday, 10 March 2022
Venue: T & M Hayes (Queens Park) Pavilion
Time: 6pm
Any parents and friends interested in getting behind the Waverley College Rugby Program in 2022 are welcome to attend, as we discuss the plans for the exciting season ahead. All are welcome!
Sadly, 2022 will mark the period in which Mr Denis Hickey will be stepping down as Supporters’ Club President, after his many wonderful (and very successful) years leading the way.
This year, we are looking for any interested parents who would be interested in taking on leadership positions on the committee into the future years. It is certainly an enjoyable group with which to be attached.
Parents unable to attend this meeting in person, but who are interested in joining the meeting online (via zoom), are welcome to register their interests by emailing the Convenor of Rugby, Mr John McCoy jmccoy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mr John McCoy
Convenor of Rugby
E: jmccoy@waverley.nsw.edu.au