From Mr John McCoy Convenor of Rugby
A warm welcome for 2018
If you are the google the word, “Special”, you will get a response that reads, “better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual”. Saturday 5th August, 2017 will be a date that will be long remembered in Waverley College history. It was special.
It was a time where the Waverley College Community came together as thousands packed Queens Park. From the youngest student to the oldest Old Boy, it was a day of celebration as our 1st XV ensured the Henry Plume Shield would remain at Birrell Street.
Last year, we set a goal to support each individual player reach their potential. We also set an aim to make Queens Park a home ground where students, parents and Old Boys felt connected to the special community we have. Furthermore, we set a standard where our visiting guests felt welcome. Pleasingly, we met these goals.
This achievement was a team effort from the Supporters Club who played a big role in ensuring that our community felt so connected, the parent body for supporting the rugby program at Waverley, the coaching staff for guiding the boys in the right direction and, of course, the players who worked so hard to write this success story.
This year the aim is to carry the momentum forward from 2017. In addition to this, we are looking to place a bigger emphasis on player safety with extra medical support at training sessions as well as a stronger focus on managing player wellbeing.
I thank the Rugby Supporters Club in advance, for their continued assistance of Waverley College Rugby in 2018. I also encourage any new parents who are interested to join the committee.
I wish all players and coaches the best for the upcoming season and look forward to watching the Waverley College Rugby tradition continue to grow.
Waverley College Rugby Supporters Club
The Waverley College Rugby Supporters Club recently held the Annual General Meeting. The committee elected the following members of the community into the following positions:
President – Mr Rino Tomasiello
Treasurer – Mr Denis Hickey
Secretary – Dr Maureen Andrews
Furthermore, I would also like to recognise committee members Mrs Tania Nand, Mrs Tracey & Mr Terry Murphy, Mr Paul McGuiggan, Mr John Andrews, Mr Michael Jaeger, Mr John Foley & Mr Stephen Callaghan, and thank these members of the community for their kind offers to assist Rugby at Waverley in 2018. Thanks also to Darren Ellis, former President, who has kindly offered to support Waverley College Rugby again this season.
I congratulate these members of the community on these appointments and thank them for taking on these duties.
Any members of the community who are interested in joining the Supporters Club are encouraged to contact Mr Rino Tomasiello (rino.tomasiello@mirvac.com) to register your interest. We are currently looking for volunteers wishing to assist on canteen and BBQ duties throughout the season.
Winter Sport Check
On Monday 5th March, all rugby players in Years 7-12 attended the Winter Sport Check. This was a chance to confirm playing numbers/teams in each age group as well as set expectations for the season. All players were issued with the 2018 Rugby Team Guide, which will be available at the Queens Park Canteen on Saturdays.
I encourage all players and families to review the Player Expectations as well as the CAS Code of Conduct which lists guidelines for Players, Parents and Supporters.
I also encourage all players and parents to download the Waverley Rugby Team App. Details on this can be found in the Rugby Team Guide. This is a must have items for all rugby players and families as it will list news, regularly updated team lists, fixtures as well as live scores.
Preseason Training
Preseason is scheduled to commence at Queens Park next week. 13s, 14s and 15s will train on Monday and Wednesday (3:30pm-5:00pm). Due to a Staff Meeting on Tuesday 13th March as well as the CAS Swimming Championships on Thursday 15th March, players in the 16s and Opens will not train next week.
Students who are involved in CAS Swimming and Diving (in the 13s, 14s and 15s) will not be required to attend training next week.
All players are to ensure that they clearly label all their rugby gear as well as school uniform prior to attending preseason. Last year there was a significant amount of lost property collected each afternoon which was unfortunately not labelled.
Internal Trials – Saturday 17th March
We will be holding Internal Trials for all age groups on Saturday 17th March. All players are expected to have with them a Waverley College Jersey as well as a Colour Jersey (non Waverley). Trial teams will be separated into Waverley Vs Colour teams.
Please note that students in the 16s and Opens age group, who have not been involved in preseason training, will not engage in Internal Trials. As players in these age group will not have had a training session next week and may risk injury, players in these age groups (outside of students trialling for the 16As, 2nd XV and 1st XV – who have been training) will be involved in a training session on the Saturday.
Those students, who are involved in Cadet Camp (with the exception of Year 8 students) will not be expected to attend trials on Saturday 17th March as they will be at camp.
In the event of wet weather, students are encouraged to ring the Sports Information line on 02 8250 3780. Students are also encouraged to check their student emails, especially if they are not able to connect via phone.
CAS Sevens/Internal Trials – Saturday 24th March
Our second week of Internal Trials will be held on Saturday 24th March. Waverley College will also be involved in the CAS Sevens Day. Squads of 12-15 players will be selected from each age group to participate in this tournament which will take place at various CAS schools.
Coaches will inform those students selected in these squads at training leading into the Saturday. All other students not involved in CAS Sevens will be involved in Internal Trial matches on this day, which will be held again at Queens Park.
Those students, who are involved in Cadet Camp will be expected to attend trials on Saturday 24th March or, if selected, the CAS Sevens. Details of the Internal Trials/CAS Sevens will be posted on the Team App.
I look forward to seeing you at Queens Park in the coming weeks!