Brother. R. J. Wallace Performing Arts Centre (PAC) Theatre Seating
Waverley will be hosting Theatresports on the 17 May at the PAC! The College is fielding an Intermediate team and a Senior team in the 2021 Theatresports Interschool Challenge. Both teams have been training hard twice a week as part of their Waverley co-curricular commitments, with the goal of reaching the grand finals held at the Enmore Theatre.
The squad consists of students from Years 9-12: Dexter Craddock, Evander Hudson, Cjuba Lord, Finn Nebauer, Jay Palm, Michael Richmond, Aidan Rogers, Orlando Smithers-Haines, Zachary Straker and Achilles Zanapalis.
They will be up against teams from seven other schools in the area, including Scots College, St Catherine’s and Ascham.
- The Senior team will be hosting the zone heats on 17 May at our PAC at Waverley College
- The Intermediate team will be competing in the heats on 17 May at St Ignatius Riverview, Lane Cove
Each heat starts with a fantastic Theatresports workshop at 4pm, with the competition itself starting at 7pm! The nights are wonderful entertainment, as each team pitches their skills against each other over three rounds of improvisational theatre games. The night should be wrapped up by around 9pm.
Waverley is proud of these dedicated and talented young performers. It would be great to see as many supporters turn up for the heat at Waverley as we can muster!
Parents and friends who want to see the show at Waverley College can buy tickets at the PAC door from 6.45pm on the night ($10 for adults, $5 for students).
Mr Peter Lamb
Theatresports Convenor
E: plamb@waverley.nsw.edu.au

Theatresports in 2017