The Senior Team: Finn Nebauer, Aidan Rogers, Michael Richmond and Dexter Craddock
After hosting last week’s Theatresports heats at the PAC, Waverley’s senior team made it into the semi-finals at St Andrew’s Cathedral School next Tuesday 1 June! The team consists of Dexter Craddock, Finn Nebauer, Aidan Rogers and Michael Richmond. They will be up against six other determined and talented teams on the night.
It would be great to see as many supporters turn up for the senior semi-finals at St Andrew’s Cathedral School as we can muster! Parents and friends who want to see the show can buy tickets at the door from 6.45pm on the night ($10 for adults, $5 for students). For the semi-finals, teams need to arrive between 5:30-6pm.
The Intermediate Team acquitted themselves very well in the heats last week at St Ignatius, but were edged out at the last minute. The Intermediate team consists of Evander Hudson, Cjuba Lord, Jay Palm, and Zachary Straker. Orlando Smithers-Haines, Perri Quirk and Achilles Zanapalis round out the squad as reserves.
Waverley is proud of all these dedicated and talented young performers. They should all be given a round of applause for their excellent efforts.

The Intermediate Team: L-R Cjuba Lord, Jay Palm, Zachary Straker, Evander Hudson
Mr Peter Lamb
Theatresports Convenor
E: plamb@waverley.nsw.edu.au