2017 year 11 student, Jack Chia, at Annual Catechist Mass
From the Director of Mission, Phillip Davis
The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Annual Archdiocesan Catechist Mass was held at St Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday 24 September 2017 at 2.00pm.
As well as recognising individual Catechists who have served twenty (Apostolic Blessing), twenty-five (Cardinal Freeman Medal), thirty (Life Member Award), forty (Cardinal Gilroy Award) and fifty years (St John Paul II Award) of service, all the Catholic schools in the Sydney Archdiocese who provide student Catechists to local public schools were also presented with certificates.
This year, thirteen Year 11 students have assisted Mr Raymond Roumanos at Bondi Beach Primary School instruct students in the Catholic Faith. Student Catechist Jack Chia represented Waverley College at the Annual Catechist Mass and received certificates on behalf of all our Year 11 Catechists, which will be presented at a future Assembly.