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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Social Justice

Waverley says “NO” to Violence Against Women


November 23rd is the White Ribbon Day walk designed to raise awareness about Domestic Violence and asks men to stand up and say “NO” to Violence Against Women.

Leading up to this event, Green House will spend the month of November raising awareness around Domestic Violence and discussing the horrifying statistics that 1 in 2 women in Australia will experience sexual harassment in their lifetime, 1 in 4 children are raised in a household exposed to domestic violence and 1 woman is killed each week by a current or former partner.

We believe these horrifying statistics cannot be ignored. Men and boys in each community need to stand beside women and girls to deliver the change we all need. All of us can make a difference, and White Ribbon Day is an opportunity for Waverley College to stand up and speak out to end violence and disrespect towards women.

The TAS department is currently in the process of making a White Ribbon for the school community to place in the main Quad for the month of November. This White Ribbon will be a symbol of the stand we take against disrespect and violence towards women and a way to encourage meaningful discussions around this topic. The White Ribbon Australia website is a great source of information and resources around this topic.

Green House will be hosting numerous events for this cause leading up to the White Ribbon day walk:

November 8: Green House Wellbeing Prefect Alex Bayas and a survivor of domestic violence will be speaking to the school community during a whole school assembly about the impacts of domestic violence, the importance of language for young men and the difference we can make in our community to stop violence against women.

November 16: Green House Prefects will run a Green House BBQ outside the pool to raise awareness of this issue and use the money raised to support the white ribbon foundation. The students will be sharing fact sheets within the school community leading up to this event and posting information for students to read throughout the school.

November 24: White Ribbon Day walk

Green House staff and students will be taking part in the walk as representatives of Waverley College. Parents are also welcome to attend this event. Please note this event is compulsory for all Green House students and they will be late for period 1 on this day. More information can be found at this link.

During the month of November, there are many methods to demonstrate own stand against violence and disrespect towards women by doing several things including purchasing a White Ribbon Day pin to wear during the month of November, the pin can be found at this link.