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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Senior and Junior School Canteen Urgently Seeking Volunteers

Senior Canteen

Senior School Canteen

We are extremely pleased to advise that we now have the ability to have volunteers back in the Waverley College Senior Canteen.

The canteen will continue to be open every school day of the year.  Therefore, we are looking for as many volunteer workers as possible to assist us in our daily operations from 9.30am till 1.45pm.

Lunch is provided for all volunteers. Please know, we highly value the assistance and support of our volunteer workers as it allows us to be more efficient in our services for the students. We welcome all members of the Waverley College Community (mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, carers etc). We are also happy to take on any availability, it all helps.

Please click here for the Senior School volunteer roster.


Ms Nina Kormanyos

Canteen Manager

Junior School Canteen

As you know, the Junior school is lucky enough to have a canteen that is open five days a week for breakfast/recess and lunch. We urgently need a full roster of volunteers each term to ensure that the canteen can continue to operate successfully.

The shift time is: Monday to Friday

Breakfast: 8am to 8.45am

During the day: 9.30am to 1pm

We would be delighted to have you volunteer and would really appreciate the support. As a huge thank you for your continued support. Lunch is on us!

Please click here for the Junior School volunteer roster.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Director of Junior School
