EREA Deputies visiting the TAS facilities in the Cosgrove Centre
From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan
EREA Deputies impressed with Waverley’s evolution
On Wednesday the College hosted EREA Deputy Heads from across NSW for a series of meetings and a campus tour and snap shot of the College.
Our visitors were met by the Year 12 Prefects followed by coffee from our our hospitality students and then a prayer session in the Chapel. During the day the delegates were also treated to a Theatresports session and rock item in the PAC. A final visit to the Cosgrove Centre, the new PDHPE facilities, Health, and Wellbeing Centres capped off a the final snapshot of College life.
The detail of the day had us looking at how each school celebrates Founder’s Day, governance training and a presentation by Dominic Ofner from the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice in Homebush.
The positive feedback was overwhelming about the ongoing improvements at the College. Many comments were made about the great state of the campus as well as the behaviour and presentation of our students.
I thank the many staff and students who contributed to this day.
Parents Notified of Health Centre Visits
Parents of students who visit the Health Centre will now receive an automatic notification via SMS. This is a great way parents can track their son’s health and wellbeing during the day. Such a notification will not necessarily mean that you need to collect your son from school; you will be contacted separately if this is the case. Parents are welcome to contact Adele Cutbush, our College Nurse, should they have any concerns or questions about their son’s visit to the Health Centre or, in some cases, the frequency of these visits.