Tuesday, 17 May marks IDAHOBIT Day, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Waverley College proudly marks this in our calendar as a day to recognise and celebrate.
Last year, we had guest speaker Ian Roberts share his story with us. In the mid 1990s, Ian was the first rugby league player in the world to publicly come out as gay. He shared his experiences of homophobia, and challenged the young students of Waverley about views of masculinity and male stereotypes, stating that showing gentleness and affection does not make you less of a man – that it is okay to care for your mates.

Guest Speaker Ian Roberts in 2021
How are we Celebrating IDAHOBIT Day in 2022?
This year, some students have created posters which will be displayed around the College, with quotes Ian Roberts left with us: “What you’re willing to walk by, is what you’re willing to accept”, “It takes courage to care” and “As an ally you can help students feel accepted, included and respected.”
In addition to this artwork, we will be holding a lunch to celebrate IDAHOBIT Day. Any student is welcome to attend this – LGBTQIA+ identifying, or ally. If you would like your son to be part of this group, or would like further information, please email Mr David Parnell dparnell@waverley.nsw.edu.au or Ms Tessa Prior tprior@waverley.nsw.edu.au. Conversations in these settings are affirming, respectful and empathetic; appropriate boundaries and confidentiality are clearly established.
On the day, there will also be rainbow ribbons available, for any student or staff member who wishes to wear this, to show their support for IDAHOBIT Day. These can be collected from Mr Patrick Brennan’s office.

On IDAHOBIT Day there will be rainbow ribbons available, for any student or staff member who wishes to wear one, to show their support – collect from Mr Patrick Brennan’s office
Waverley College prides itself on being a safe and inclusive community for all of its students. This message is shown through the positive interactions with teachers, ongoing education in the space of interrupting homophobia and transphobia, and presentations at assemblies.
A range of student literature with an LGBTQIA+ theme is available in the library, we celebrate ‘IDAHOBIT’ and ‘Wear It Purple Day’ each year, and have recently developed a LGBTQIA+ staff advocacy group to discuss and embed initiatives that will continue to make Waverley College an inclusive school to attend.
Ms Tessa Prior and the Wellbeing Team
College Psychologist
E: tprior@waverley.nsw.edu.au