Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Staff & Student Wellbeing
From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan
Our Learning Routine
As part of the College’s commitment to best practice, research based pedagogy, key staff including myself attended a visible learning conference earlier this year where the keynote speaker, John Hattie explored how evidence can be used to create innovation in the learning environment.
The College in consultation with all staff, established a Learning Routine subcommittee which drew on Hattie’s internationally acclaimed research which includes a syntheses of over 800 meta-analyses relating to student achievement. This research which has been used in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia represents the largest evidence based research into what actually works best in schools to improve learning.
Hattie identifies and subsequently ranks effect size of 150 classroom variables with some interesting results. Waverley College has taken these and imbedded them into our classroom practices through a formalised learning routine.
The main two inclusions; learning intensions and success criteria now appear on the board of every classroom at the College. From Term 3 all teachers will begin their lesson by identifying these. Hattie’s research indicates that these two variables when combined, have the most significant benefit with a predicted learning rate of over three times the expected gain.
Engaging Safely on Social Media
As parents (and teachers) it is evident the large role social media plays in allowing insidious bullies to apply their trade from the safety of their keyboards.
Thankfully, a screenshot presented to me makes for a simple investigation and a swift consequence.
I would encourage all boys and their parents to remember the following when using social media:
- Anything you post is recorded permanently and you should assume it will be forwarded to multiple people. Would you still post the same thing if your parents or teacher were to read it? Assume that they will.
- Take a screenshot of any malicious posts and forward it to me or your Head of House. You can also get help by visiting the National Centre Against Bullying website and the Office of the eSafety Commissioner’s website.
- Block or ignore any users who make you feel bad or say hurtful things
- Never share passwords, private/personal information or your location.
- There are trolls and bullies out there, they are in every year group at every school. Adults would also know that they are in every workplace – beware! Don’t feed them, don’t give them what they want: an angry response. Block or report the trolls and bullies but also resist the inner troll. If you’re not adding something to the argument online, don’t bother. Don’t be part of the problem.
- Do you know how many true friends most people have? Those 4052 Facebook ‘friends’ are a combination of acquaintances, people you met once, people you can’t remember meeting once, and probably, some ‘randoms’. They don’t need to know what you had for breakfast, or what concert you went to last night, do they?
- Technology is incredible but make sure you take time out and find the right balance for you. Try talking in person, it’s often a lot more fun and it can be done while you are enjoying a surf, run, coffee or watching a film…..the way being social was meant to be!
Parents should also keep a look out for the following apps which sometimes contribute to cyberbullying, grooming and other negative online interactions;
Ignatius Park College QLD – Hosting Opportunity
Ignatius Park College in far North Queensland are wishing to send ten Year 10 students to Sydney to spend a week in the life of a Waverley College student.
If any parents would like to host one of these boys from Sunday 21st October until Friday 26th October please indicate your interest by emailing Nikki Smith nsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au