Noah Havard
From the Head of College, Graham Leddie
Significant events
Welcome back for the new term. We finished Term One with a significant event (ANZAC Ceremony) and we start this term with another (May Procession this Sunday). Our Anzac Ceremony was beautifully constructed, rich in symbolism and emotionally moving. This service is always well supported by the presence of many Parents and Old Boys because of the extensive and proud history of Waverley College men serving their country.

ANZAC Ceremony 2018
This Sunday at noon is one of the few times in a year our entire College comes together, stops and prays as a community with a devotion to Our Lady and our founder, Edmund Rice. The College celebrates our 108th May Procession this year. Please take the opportunity to congratulate past Head of College, Br Paul Oakley, on his 50 years of service as a Christian Brother. The Parent Association are seeking donations of cakes, slices, muffins or other baked goods and also volunteers to help set up and serve the afternoon tea that is traditionally held at the conclusion of the Procession. If you are able to assist or donate please email passociation@waverley.nsw.edu.au or contact Ms Linda McGuiggan on 0411 316 954. The Old Boys AGM also follows the procession in the PAC.
Students were reminded on assembly that this term is short and very busy, which requires them to be well organised from day one. To mention just a few of the events scheduled for this term: Year 12 have already started their half yearly examination block; Years 7-10 start half yearly examinations in five weeks; Years 8 and 10 will have important subject selection evenings; NAPLAN tests will occur in two weeks for Years 5,7 and 9; Year 10 Allwell testing; ICAS Science Competition; da Vinci Decathlon; Music Showcase evening; and drama production ‘Stories in the Dark’ by Debra Oswald. Tickets for the drama production are now available via the events page on the website, or by clicking this link; Book Tickets for Stories in the Dark
I would like to thank all of the teachers who assisted our Year 12 students to prepare for their examinations. There were many lectures, tutorials, practice examinations and classrooms opened up over the break to assist the boys prepare to the best of their ability.
Congratulations also to the coaches, parents and students who attended the various football (St Andrew’s Cup), rugby (Narrabeen and Armidale) and cadet camps, competitions and courses conducted over the holidays.
Goals for a short term
At our first assembly for the term, I spoke to the students about the research of Professor John Hattie on improving academic outcomes. His research showed the following four factors have the most influence on academic outcomes:
- The students’ expectations of themselves
- Feedback they receive and seek
- Positive teacher/student relationships
- Setting clear goals – writing them down and sharing them.
With this short term, the above four areas would be a great place for your son to focus in order to improve his academic outcomes.
Campus improvements
Our Sustainability Committee under the leadership of Ms Patricia Alborough is starting to gain some momentum. Clearly marked recycling and waste bins have been installed across the campus. More water distribution points have been installed and students have this term only to transition away from plastic water bottles as we aim to be a zero plastic water bottle school from second semester. The College already has significant solar panels on the Kenny Building and the Performing Arts Centre now also has solar panels installed. We have also implemented vegetable gardens and compost worms in our TAS Faculty and in the Junior School as part of the new Agriculture curriculum.
On the Senior Campus a permanent BBQ facility has been built near the fig trees. It will particularly service tennis and basketball events, along with House and College functions.
More handball courts have been installed in Centenary Quadrangle and more seating in the Junior School.
The senior campus perimeter has been strengthened with the installation of fencing. This will allow the College to lockdown the campus throughout most of the day and evening. Gates will be open at key times, otherwise please note that access will only be available via our main entry points – Carrington Road and Birrell Street reception.
We have initiated a new auto attendant answering service for the Senior School Campus to assist in directing calls more efficiently. When a caller dials 02 9369 0600 they will be given six options to direct their call. The options are as follows:
- Press 1 – to report a student absence
- Press 2 – to be connected to the Registrar
- Press 3 – to be connected to iAssist
- Press 4 – to be connected to Accounts
- Press 5 – to be connected to WellBeing
- Press 6 – to be connected to Reception for all other queries.
Supporter Duty change
Traditionally the College has had official Supporter Duty scheduled to attend only football and rugby programs. This has been now been opened up to all sports. For the first time this weekend, our Year 7 students have the option of supporting their preferred team across AFL, Volleyball, Tennis, Football, Rugby or Debating.
Excellence and leadership
Well done to all of the following students.
Luke Harris was the recipient of a University of Sydney Year 10 Academic Excellence Award on Tuesday 10 April.

Professor Pip Pattison Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education) presents to Luke Harris
Mac Jenkins captained the U16 Australian Team against Pakistan over the holidays. After six games, the series ended in a tie. On top of Old Boy Jason Sangha (Class of 2017) captaining the Australian U17 and U19 teams last year, this is a great achievement for both boys, their coaches and the College. Two national captains within a year from the one school is a great achievement.

Mac Jenkins
Noah Harvard competed at the recent Australian Surf Life Saving Championships held at Scarborough Beach, WA. Noah won five Gold Medals from five events:
- 1st U17 Single Ski Australian Champion
- 1st U19 Double Ski Australian Champion
- 1st U19 Ski Relay Australian Champion
- 1st U17 Skil Relay Australian Champion
- 1st U17 Taplin Relay Australian Champion.
Dylan Quirk’s 2017 HSC Art Express work is now hanging in the reception foyer. It has recently been featured in the NSW Art Gallery for the HSC showcase, ArtExpress. His work is creative, reflective and quite unique. We intend to display more student artwork across the campus.
First Waverley Recipients in over a decade….
During the holidays, Warrant Officer Fletcher Duff and Warrant Officer Tim Waring from Year 11 attended a nine day Australian Army course along with more than one hundred cadets from all over Australia. Both students were successful in passing all of the requirements and achieving an Adventure Training Award. These are the first Waverley recipients for over a decade to achieve the award, which was presented by the Governor-General (and Waverley College Old Boy), Sir Peter Cosgrove.
Ned Weiland, Will Davison, Nicholas Quinn recently competed at the Aussie Surf Life Saving titles in Western Australia.
Luca Holmes and Stan Wilson, Year 7, recently travelled to Spain to represent Sydney FC at the Mediterranean International Cup.
Congratulations to Old Boys Ben O’Donnell Rugby 7’s and Tom Fuller U20’s rugby for representing Australia.
Winter Co-Curricular Captains
Congratulations to the following students on their appointment as Winter Co-curricular Captains:
- AFL: Captain – Anthony Vassallo; Captain of 1st XVIII – Harry Whitaker
- Debating: Captain – Jasper Wilde; Captain of 1st team – Anthony Roydhouse
- Cross Country: Captain – Charles McGrath
- Football: Captain – Anthony Candi; Captain of 1st XI – Jack Hardwicke-Owen
- Judo: Captain – Hunter Foley
- Lawn Bowls: Captain – Jesse Douglas
- Media Group: Captain – Angus McPherson
- Music: Captain – Damian Lin
- Rugby Referees: Captain – Stephen Davies
- Rugby: Captain – Jacob Tomasiello; Captain 1st XV – Conor Molloy
- Table Tennis: Captain – Zen Emery
- Tennis: Captain – Kiva Gwynn; Captain of 1st IV – Oliver Ruse
- Volleyball: Captain – Ethan Reid
Staffing News
Staff returning
- Mr Chris Blenkinsopp (leave)
- Ms Nina Strzechowski (LSL)
- Mr David Reidy (leave)
- Mr Richard Chen (LSL)
Staff on leave
- Mr Tony Banboukjian (LSL) (Mr Jack McCarthy covering the shuffle of classes)
- Mr Steve Ghattas (paternity leave and LSL)
- Ms Geraldine Cullen (LSL) – (Mr Gus Lyon covering classes)
- Ms Nina Kormanyos (LSL)
- Mr Peter Langdale (leave)
- Mr Bruce Dominish (leave)
Staff in Acting Positions of added responsibility
- Mr Greg Harris (Director of Waterford)
- Mr Matt Ryan (Assistant Director of Waterford)
- Mr Anthony Gill (Assistant Director of Mission Waterford)
- Mr Ben Meadley (Head of Waterford Sport)
- Ms Tjandra Hsu (Canteen Coordinator)
- Ms Agi Lebek (married over the break)
- Mr Steve Ghattas (birth of baby boy Zane)