Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing
Read more: Uniform expectations, pop-up wellbeing kiosk, rapid antigen tests, COVID care, parent/mentor meetings, Wellbeing Team key contacts, bus service changes.
The start of the year has been a truly positive one amongst staff and students. It was great to welcome our new Years 5 and 7 students on Thursday, and celebrate the return of the entire student body on Friday.
COVID-19 restrictions prevented a whole school assembly, so each year group met for smaller assemblies for an Acknowledgement of Country, prayer and an overview of Term 1.
I would like to thank parents for the way their sons attended school this week. The uniform standard was excellent and so too was their behaviour and grooming. The way our sons present themselves in public says a lot about what we are about as a College.
Uniform Expectations
2022 is the second year that the entire student body is required to wear the new academic uniform. The uniform shop assures me that all items are in stock, so all students should be ready to go, from day one. The new uniform comes with higher expectations in terms of how our students present themselves for school each day, including their transit on both private and public transport, to and from the College.
No student will be permitted to attend class without the correct academic uniform, including the College backpack. Should any student not be in full academic uniform, they will require a uniform pass from the Wellbeing Centre, and will be subject to a consequence.
In addition to the correct uniform, students’ appearance including hairstyles, must be in line with the College expectations from day one. Longer haircuts are trending at present. These are not acceptable and students will be directed to the local barber or their preferred hairstylist, to rectify any issues.
Pop-Up Wellbeing Kiosk
To assist the transition of the 250 new students to the senior campus, the wellbeing team will be setting up a marquee in the Centenary Quad, to provide support and assistance to students who may be lost or overwhelmed during their first week at the College.
Heads of House, Prefects and the College Leadership Team will be available to support students during recess and lunch, as well as between classes.
The current Wellbeing Centre will continue to provide the same support (and more), every school day of the year.
Rapid Antigen Tests (RAHTS)
The College distributed rapid antigen tests (RAHTs) to all students on campus this week. We request that your son assists with surveillance testing over the first two weeks of school. The College is expected to receive additional tests over the coming weeks, but the exact dates of these deliveries have not been confirmed.
We request that all students administer a rapid antigen test the morning after receiving their RAHTs.
Families are expected to notify NSW Health and the College, should their son receive a positive RAHT or PCR test, and isolate for seven days. Students should only return to school if they are free from cold and flu symptoms. For the first four weeks of Term 1, students should take a rapid antigen test twice a week on the morning before attending school, as part of our weekly surveillance testing.
All staff and students will be required to wear a mask whilst indoors at the College. This includes to and from school on public transport. The responsibility for providing students with a mask lies with parents. The Health Centre will replace damaged masks. Students who repeatedly source masks from the Health Centre will be referred to their Head of House.
Close Contacts
Close contacts are now deemed Household contacts only (i.e. a person who lives with someone who has COVID-19) and are required to isolate for 7 days.
Cohorting is trying to keep students’ interactions just within their year level. This is part of our multilayered approach to reduce the rate of transmission, and give us the best chance of keeping the school operational and open to face-to-face learning.
Open or well-ventilated spaces reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, because infectious particles are more quickly diffused in the open air than in spaces with less ventilation. We have developed a strategy for providing as much natural ventilation as possible in classrooms and offices, and where this is not possible, we have installed air purification units to help circulate and manage clean air.
Hand Sanitiser
Hand sanitiser and wipes are available in all spaces at the College. Students are encouraged to maintain good hand hygiene and be responsible for the cleanliness of their workspaces.
The College will maintain its rigorous cleaning program across both campuses.
Offsite Activities
The level of risk for student activities will vary, depending on the nature of the activity. There is no restriction on schools in providing on-site or off-site activities including excursions, incursions and learning activities. The College will assess the risk of each activity and plan risk mitigation accordingly.
There is no requirement for QR code check-ins anymore at schools for parents. Parents are asked to limit their trips to the College to only essential business. Access to both campuses is via Reception. Parents can still volunteer in the canteen or pick up clothing from the Uniform Shop.
Returning from Overseas Travel
Fully vaccinated students returning from overseas only have to isolate themselves until they return a negative RAHT (must be taken within 24 hours of arrival). They will also have to do another RAHT on day 6.
Children under 12 years of age who are not fully vaccinated, must not attend school until at least 7 days have passed, and they have a negative result from their day 6 RAHT test.
Staff Shortages
It is anticipated that schools may experience a reduction of available staff in the weeks ahead. Our aim is to remain open and operational, but if illness takes hold, we will move to learning from home.
Student Vaccinations
Under the Public Health Order, all staff who work at the College are legislated to be fully vaccinated (this is now three shots).
To provide our community with the best possible protection, we are encouraging all students to follow the advice from NSW Health, by getting a free COVID-19 vaccination. This not only will protect them, but forms part of the overall protection plan for this community.
The Health Centre is now accepting copies of your sons’ vaccination status. Please send clear copies, preferably in PDF format to healthcentre@waverley.nsw.edu.au
This data will be added to the immunisation history entered at the time of his enrolment.
Parent/Mentor Meetings
On Tuesday, 8 February from 1:30pm – 4pm, parents and carers are invited to meet their son’s Wellbeing Mentor via Zoom, to engage in a conversation that will help us to best cater to their needs in 2022.
This important initiative supports our student Wellbeing program. The purpose is to know as much as possible about each student, both in and out of the classroom. By identifying their goals, hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future, we can work together to bring about the best possible learning outcomes for your son. We rely on the three-way partnership formed between the College, families and your son for this to occur.
These meetings are in addition to parent/teacher academic interviews, which will also take place later in the semester. Keep an eye out for a separate email with further details and login information.
Students in Years 7-12 will be dismissed at 1pm, because it is expected, where possible, that students will attend these meetings with their parents. Limited supervision will be provided in the Library and in the Centenary Quad from 1pm – 3:15pm.
Heads of House and our Psychologists are available to meet students and their families who may require additional support and assistance. Please email them directly if you wish to set up a meeting.
Heads of House 2022
The College welcomes Ms Kaitlyn Downey (Brennan) and Ms Rebecca Gair (Quinn) to the Wellbeing Centre as Heads of House in 2022. We look forward to the energy and passion for pastoral care that they will both bring to these senior wellbeing roles at the College.
Key Contacts for the Wellbeing Team 2022

The 8 Waverley College Crests
Heads of House
- Aungier – John McCoy – headofaungier@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Brennan – Kaitlyn Downey – headofbrennan@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Conlon – Cathy O’Sullivan – headofconlon@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Green – Scott Coleman – headofgreen@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Lacey – Damien Thompson – headoflacey@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- O’Connor – Matthew Barr – headofoconnor@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Quinn – Rebecca Gair – headofquinn@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Tevlin – John McCallum – headoftevlin@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Alex McCredie – amccredie@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Dawn Young – dyoung@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Greg Cameron – gcameron@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Tessa Prior – tprior@waverley.nsw.edu.au
College Nurse
- Adele Cutbush – acutbush@waverley.nsw.edu.au
State Transit Update – Bus Service Changes
State Transit would like to remind the school community of changes to the South East bus network which were made late last year. Customers in the South East now have access to more reliable, more frequent services and better connections to key destinations and growth areas.
>>> Click here to view the bus service changes
We encourage everyone to plan ahead on Trip Planner before travelling.
>>> Click here to view Trip Planner
To ensure dedicated school services appear as a travel option for students, click “refine” then select “school bus option.” Students are reminded to tap on and off on all trips. This is important to ensure accurate patronage data for future planning of bus services.
COVID-related staff shortages have impacted most public transport services. School bus services will not be affected, however regular route services will operate to a reduced timetable.
State Transit is managing these impacts to ensure the safety of customers and staff while also providing vital transport services. It asks the school community to plan ahead and allow extra travel time.
Please be reminded that the NSW Government Public Health Order requires the compulsory wearing of masks on public transport.
>>> Click here to view COVID-19 travel guidance
Mr Patrick Brennan
Deputy Principal: Staff and Student Wellbeing
E: pbrennan@waverley.nsw.edu.au