Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing
From the Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing
Welcome to Term 3
It was great to welcome back all staff and students at a special NAIDOC Week Assembly on Tuesday morning. Term 3 at Waverley College is also known as Our Lady’s Term in dedication to Mary, Jesus’ mother.
At the assembly, I noted a rise in COVID cases in Sydney and the need to remain vigilant in maintaining good hygiene and personal health habits until we cross the peak and reach warmer weather at the end of winter.
It is important that any student with even the mildest of cold and flu symptoms remain at home.
All students ate encouraged to practice personal hygiene by:
- washing hands for 20 seconds with soap and water
- covering mouths when coughing or sneezing
- avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth
- clean and disinfect common surfaces that your touch (keypad, mobile phone, keys, wallets)
- Testing when symptomatic. To allow this to occur, each student should have received an additional five RAT tests at house meetings on Friday morning.
Boys were also reminded that masks are still required by law on public transport and they are encouraged to wear them at school, particularly in confined spaces.
I congratulate the majority of boys who attended day one in the correct uniform and with haircuts within College policy. Our uniform and grooming form part of the high expectations we have of our students to present themselves with consistency and pride in their identity as students of Waverley College.
Free Online and Face-to-Face Workshops for Waverley College Parents.
The Kidman Centre UTS are offering free workshops to equip teenagers and their parents with practical and evidence-based psychological skills to manage teenage life stressors.
We are delighted to announce an upcoming workshop, Motivating your teen towards their goals. This workshop is for parents of high-school students (aged 12-18 years) who are experiencing low motivation, energy and resilience. To accommodate all families, this workshop will be delivered twice; Virtually on Tuesday, 2 August (6-7pm), and then Face-to-Face at the Kidman Centre on Tuesday, 9 August (6-7pm).
This workshop will be facilitated by Senior Psychologist Jenna Mayhew.
For bookings and more information, please contact The Kidman Centre on (02) 9514 4077 or email kidmancentre@uts.edu.au