From College Psychologist Glenn Fleming
I would like to welcome our parents, students, staff and other readers to the 2018 School Year. At the start of each school year, information is supplied in column in order to provide insight into the service we provide, as well as provide useful information about how to support your son’s journey through school.
Waverley College has an outstanding commitment to mental health and wellbeing. Waverley College’s wellbeing model promotes a positive environment for students to grow. Our focus on wellbeing grants many opportunities to not only treat, but also prevent psychological issues. This makes Waverley College an exciting and encouraging place to work as a psychologist.
The college employs four psychologists, Ms Prior, Mrs Schmitz, Ms Bateman and Mr Fleming. We are all passionate about supporting the development of our students and helping them to achieve their potential.
The role of college psychologists
Waverley College’s counsellors are registered psychologists. The service we provide is called counselling.
The role of the College Psychologist is to provide supportive counselling for students. Additionally, we provide support for teachers and parents so that the best outcomes for students can be achieved.
Our role does not have to be restricted to working with students in crisis. We provide support when things go wrong, but we also want to provide assistance to prevent things from going wrong.
When we can’t help
There are a few rare situations where we cannot provide counselling.
- When the student does not want to attend.
- If the student is forced to attend as a punishment.
- If the student is already extensively supported by other counsellors or psychologists.
- If the problem is not related to the well-being of your son at school (e.g. your son refuses to share the remote control of the T.V.).
- Where counselling will not provide any benefit.
Accessing counselling
Every student at Waverley College is able to access a school counsellor. Many students particularly enjoy the confidential nature of the service, as well as having a safe forum to explore their thoughts and feelings without judgement. Students are able to approach any of us to request counselling if they require. In addition to approaching us directly, they can speak to their head of house, wellbeing mentor, or teacher, and request to see one of us.
If you have any concerns regarding your son, please feel free to contact the school and request counselling. The best people to contact are the head of your son’s house, or to contact me directly via email gfleming@waverley.nsw.edu.au for inquiries. I am always happy to have a chat, so let me know if there is any way that I can help.