From the Director of Co-Curriculum, Stephen O’Donnell
Welcome back to 2019, and a very special welcome to the new families and students who are joining Waverley College for the first time. The College’s co-curricular program is a vital part of the students’ well-being program. Getting the boys active and off their screens is such an important part of not only their physical, but also their emotional and social health.
Before we dive in, I’d like to acknowledge the dedication and accomplishments of a number of boys and staff who took time out in their holidays to train and work hard across a range of co-curricular areas.
A number of Waverley College Water Polo players competed at the Trans-Tasman tournament at Knox, and, as usual, our players gave a great account of themselves. Many boys trained hard during the holidays, attending football training, cricket clinics and pre-season rugby, which saw a turnout of about 50 students per session. Our Bronze Medallion Surf Lifesavers also continued their great work with Bondi SLSC over the holidays and are really contributing strongly in this area. We also have a number of students and staff who are continuing to work on our 2019 Musical ‘Guys and Dolls’ which will be presented at the start of Term 2.
A big thank you to all staff and supporters for their organisation and commitment to these boys.
It has been a very busy start to the year. Last Saturday we kicked off the formal program with Year 7 trials on Saturday. Well done to the students and staff who were diligent in maintaining our high standard of camaraderie and team work.
We also held our first swim meet of the year with UNSW last Saturday in the College pool. This was a highly successful event, thanks to the Waverley Swim Squad coaches, Mrs Karen Swinburn and Mrs Michelle Finnegan. Their hard work was instrumental in running this wonderful event, and we hope to make it an annual meet.
We are also set to play our first full round of 2019 Summer Co-curricular activities against Barker this week. The CAS and Waverley Codes of Conduct need to be maintained at all times for students, coaches, parents and supporters. All students should be at their venues a minimum of thirty minutes prior to the commencement of a fixture. Students are to be fully attired in the correct gear, even if they are only spectating Please note that any student requesting leave from a weekend commitment requires two weeks written notice where possible.
This weekend we have a number of students competing at the Oz-Tag State Cup and Sydney Branch Surf lifesaving titles. I wish you all the very best!
Some important dates for the diary
- Friday, 8 February – Year 7-12 Individual Photographs and Year 12 Group Photo (Year 12 to wear Blazers and Tie)
- Friday, 12 February – no afternoon training due to Parent / Mentor meetings
- Friday, 15 February – last day of change for Winter Sport requests
- Monday, 18 – 22 February – Summer Co-curricular photos
- Tuesday, 19 February – Thursday February 21 Musical Camp with St Clare’s
- Saturday, 23 February – Christian Brother Swimming Carnival at North Sydney 7pm
- Friday, 8 March – House Swimming Carnival at Des Renford
- Saturday, 9 March – final round of Summer sport and Water Polo presentation
- Monday, 11 March – Staff Day (no students at school)
- Thursday, 14 March – CAS Swimming Championships and Assembly (compulsory attendance for Years 8,10 & 11)
- Friday, 15 March – Swimming and Cricket Presentation Evenings
- Saturday, 16 March – Basketball Presentation Evening and Sport free weekend
- Monday, 18 March – commencement of Winter Co-curricular season