From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan
I trust all families have had a relaxing break with their families and friends at this important time in the Christian Calendar.
I thank the staff and students who were involved in events during the holidays including the successful rugby tour of New Zealand, ANZAC Day march in the City and at Waverley Council and the additional lessons provided by Year 12 teachers to prepare students for their half yearly examinations.
Last term we as a community focussed on several key consistent messages across the College to great effect. There was terrific buy in by teachers and students and the ongoing support from parents is appreciated.
It was clear that there is an ongoing positive shift in the boys behaviour because of the work we are doing.
It is my expectation that students follow fair and reasonable requests from a member of staff. Boys are welcome to see me if they are unhappy with the request but my expectation is that they follow a staff member’s direction without push back.
Winter uniform (blazer and tie) should now be worn correctly for the entire day including to and from school. This sends a clear message of what the school is about. Haircuts should also be within College guidelines as outlines on page 27 of the College Diary.
As we said at the start of the year, ‘together is better’. If these expectations are supported by all stakeholders, Waverley College will continue to be a better place to teach and learn.
Have a great start to the term!
May Procession 7th May 2pm
Just a reminder that this is a compulsory event for all students at Waverley College as per the College Diary.
The May Procession on Sunday week is compulsory for all students. Only students with an exemption from the Head of College will have leave on this day.
A roll will be taken at the event.
Any student who is absent will be required to submit a medical certificate on the Monday following May Procession. A Saturday detention will be issued if these requirements are not followed.
Student Lap Tops
At the end of Term One all students were briefed by Simon Potter (IT Manager) on the standards they are expected maintaining with regarding to their MacBooks, this included three simple guidelines:
- No stickers to be attached directly to the unit.
- Macbooks must have a hard plastic cover attached to both the top and bottom of the unit.
- No writing or graffiti to be present on the unit.
From the start of Term Two if a student attends iAssist for troubleshooting and has breached any of these guidelines iAssist will not help unless steps are taken to rectify the problem. iAssist can provide cleaning materials to remove stickers/graffiti/writing and also replace broken covers at a cost of $40. I hope you will support us in this initiative as we try to ensure all devices used at Waverley are in a condition that means they can be used in the classroom.
College ID Cards
These are an essential part of life at Waverley College. They are used by students multiple times during the day for printing, attendance and cashless canteen. All students have been given a free card. Students will be issued with replacement cards but they will be charged to the parents account at $10 per new card.