Welcome to the 2024/2025 Basketball Year
Welcome to the new Head of Basketball, Steve Carfino!
Important Dates:
- Season Launch – Wednesday, 16 October (Details to come)
- Basketball AGM Meeting – Monday, 21 October (Please join Us – all welcome )
IMPORTANT Please see attached a WhatsApp group for each age group. Please join this if your son is in Basketball for 24/25 season.
This will be where any detail communication for basketball will be – important dates
- BBQ rosters
- fundraisers
- Holiday competition
- Weekly Games
Remember your child’s year for next year 2024/2025 basketball season
Year 8 https://chat.whatsapp.com/
HmpqBJcJu1y9oJozGlD204 Year 9 https://chat.whatsapp.com/
JlrzQAfTZDmI9feO5WeOMJ Year 10 https://chat.whatsapp.com/
EkUF2OwnXeZ5RqGFxPe1pn Opens https://chat.whatsapp.
com/DiO50skHd5y3lvWls32xZw Thanks, Natalie Gibbins – Basketball Supporters Group