From Matthew Porter, Director of Student Wellbeing
International Women’s Day Student Leaders’ Breakfast
On Thursday morning over 350 parents and students gathered in celebration of International Women’s Day. The theme for International Women’s Day in 2018 is to “Press for Progress” and our challenge today and for each day that follows is to call out negative stereotypes and gender inequality in all its forms. To celebrate the achievements of women as being equal to those of men. By doing so, we may influence the beliefs and the actions of those we interact with.
Collective action and shared responsibility for driving gender parity is what makes International Women’s Day successful. The breakfast provided a unique opportunity to celebrate the tireless work of activists who “Speak Through Action” and those who are central to the global push for true equality. I would like to offer our sincere thanks to guest presenters Emma Wallace and Deb Maynard from WEFT for sharing their experiences in creating opportunities and empowering the female refugee communities in Burma. Thank you to all of our guests, staff and students who donated so generously to this fantastic cause.
To find out more about WEFT or purchase goods online, please see the following website.
World’s Greatest Shave at College Assembly Thursday 15 March
Next Thursday during the College Assembly before the CAS swimming carnival, Waverley College will once again participate in the World’s Greatest Shave. A big thank you to all of those boys who have registered to participate online and to those families who have donated or offered to support in other ways. There is still time to get involved and support the victims of blood cancer and their families. Sign up your son to “Team Waverley 2018” or donate via the following link. You can loan a pair of clippers for the day or better yet, come along, role up your sleeves and try out your hairdressing skills. Any boy who wishes to participate must bring in a note from home and make a donation to the Leukemia foundation either online or in cash on the day. Fundraisers who register via the website will go first.

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
National day of Action Against Bullying – Michael Carr Gregg Parent Information Evening
Waverley College is proud to confirm the return of renowned Psychologist and Author Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. On Thursday 15 March, Michael will be appearing in the Br. Lacey Gymnasium on the eve of the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. The topics covered in this presentation will include how to spot bullying, cyberbullying, how to respond if your son is the victim of bullying and how to respond if your son is bullying others. I would like to once again thank Mary Ramsay and the Waverley Parents’ Association for supporting this event.
For more information from Michael on the topic of bullying please check School TV. Additional support is also available in the A-Z of Wellbeing in the student diary.