Wellbeing Report February 2017 - Waverley College
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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Wellbeing Report February 2017

From the Director of Wellbeing, Matt Porter

2017 is indeed an exciting time for the staff students and families of Waverley College. The College’s visions and commitment to student wellbeing is becoming a reality with significant changes in daily operations and school culture and student connectedness. The sole purpose of this restructure is to bring about the best possible outcomes for all of our boys in terms of their academic, social, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

Wellbeing Structure

All students have been allocated in to one of 8 House Groups and each House consists of 11 mentor groups. Each House is led by a Head of House who will oversee the boys’ educational wellbeing throughout their Waverley journey. Locker areas, mentor rooms and assembly spaces are all aligned to the 8 geographic House locations.

Each morning students will first meet their Wellbeing Mentor at 8:45am prior to lessons commencing for the day. During Wellbeing Mentor Time students will work through a purpose built curriculum based on best practice wellbeing and pastoral care models which align with the core vision and values of Waverley College. Each Friday all 8 Houses will run an extended assembly in a predetermined location where Prefects and nominated students will share ideas and reflect upon their theme for the week. Beginning in Week 4, House assemblies will involve students from both the Junior and Senior schools meeting together.

Wellbeing Centre

The Director of Wellbeing, Wellbeing Administration Assistant and the 8 Heads of House recently took up residence in the newly renovated Wellbeing Centre. Occupying the top floor of the heritage listed Conlon Building this purpose built facility provides an outstanding collaborative working environment. Please feel free to drop by or contact us to arrange a meeting if there is anything that the College can do to further support you son.

Wellbeing Launch Parent Seminar

We have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback and support from parents and the wider community in response to these changes. For those wishing to find out more about the Wellbeing Model and contribute their input moving forward we are offering a series of Parent Seminars and work shops. The first of these will be a Wellbeing Launch presentation in March. Further details will be confirmed shortly via the SchoolBag App and Nurrunga.

Staff Professional Development

Prior to students recommencing classes for 2017 staff from both the Senior and Junior campuses took part in a Professional Development session in order to develop their expertise as Wellbeing Mentors. Staff worked in their 8 House Teams facilitated by their Head of House to experience some of the essential skills taught during Wellbeing Mentor Time. Topics included teamwork and friendship, character strengths and values, resilience and mindfulness.

Year 5, 7, 12 and New Students Transition Day

2017 began with a staggered start with students from Year 7, Year 12 and new students getting a taste of Senior School. All Year 7 and Year 12 students were buddied up in a big brother/ little brother arrangement. The Year 12 big brothers did an outstanding job in making our new students feel welcome as they navigated the school grounds and sorted their way through other essential school start-up arrangements. In the afternoon Year 7 students had their first Summer Sport Trails while Year 12 students commenced English lessons for the year.

Revised SRC structure

In order to build upon the positive momentum created through the new College Captain and Prefect model, Waverley College will be restructuring the Student Representative Council for 2017. Each House will have 2 SRC representatives per year level. This will provide leadership opportunities for 96 students from Year 7-12 across the Senior Campus. Students will be emailed shortly with further details of the application process.

Mentor/ Parent /Student Interviews 

Next Monday 13 February all parents and guardians of Senior School students are invited to meet with their son’s Wellbeing Mentor. These are separate to the academic Parent/Teacher interviews later in the semester. The purpose of this interview is to open the channels of communication between the Wellbeing Mentor, students and their families. The intention of the day is  to develop meaningful relationships and a shared approach to personal educational success for your son.


A huge thank you to all of the staff who contributed behind the scenes to make a change of this magnitude not only possible but highly successful. I look forward to working with you in to the future.