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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Were You One of the One Million Kids Reading and Counting at National Simultaneous Storytime 2022?

Literacy Coordinator Mr Robert Tall Enthusiastically Participated in National Simultaneous Storytime

On 25 May, the Senior library joined with our Junior School colleagues to participate in and celebrate National Simultaneous Storytime.

Our Junior school Innovation student helpers’ team joined in with over 1 million other students around Australia to listen to Family Tree, written by talented singer-songwriter and children’s author Josh Pyke, illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh.

We thank Ms Pearce for her assistance organising the morning, Mr Robert Tall our literacy coordinator for attending, and Ms Zivanovic for preparing the Junior School Innovation Hub for what was a very special morning.

Keep reading, kids!


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library and English Teacher
