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Who Doesn’t Like Playing a Villain? Three Actors Share Insights From the Rehearsal Process

The school production, Tartuffe, is coming up next Term and the cast have been rehearsing all Term in preparation for this hilarious play. Actors Luke Crosson, Matt Frost and Michaela Chamberlain share some of their thoughts on their characters and the rehearsal process:

“My character, Orgon, is having a mid-life crisis and seeking a new path of meaning, however this is negatively impacting on everyone he loves. I like how Orgon believes everything he’s doing is right, but with hindsight he’s destroying his family. The most memorable part of our rehearsals are building new skills, meeting new people, making new friendships.” Luke Crosson

“I like playing Tartuffe, because who doesn’t like playing a villain? Everything Tartuffe does is wrong but no one can do anything about it. I can just be totally repellent and its fun to be playing a manipulative character who gets a lot of laughs. I just finished performing in a production from another school and now it’s really fun to be a part of a production at Waverley.” Matt Frost

“Elmire really wants to do the right thing. She sees Tartuffe is trying to manipulate everyone and turning Orgon against his children. She really wants to amend things and get the family back. I enjoy the experience of being in this play. It’s very fun to do productions at other schools and great to be part of a cast and see how the play develops.” Michaela Chamberlain