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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Winter Co-curricular Awards

Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell

Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell

Read more: Winter Co-curricular Award winners, memorable highlights and special mentions.

This week we recognised all of our Winter Co-curricular Award winners in a diverse range of activities. All of these students from Years 5-12 have demonstrated the hard work, commitment and dedication to representing Waverley to a high standard.

Memorable Highlights

There have been a number of memorable highlights including the 1st XI Football making the NSWCIS Independent Cup Final; Waverley hosting the Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition; eleven members of the undefeated 1st XV being selected at a NSW representative level; the significant improvement in our Volleyball program; the continued efforts of Debating going online; the continued efforts of those students attaining their Duke of Edinburgh awards, as well as the roll out of our new co-curricular attire that displays the uniformity across all activities and sports. All of these award winners are to be congratulated.

Special Thank You

I also want to make special mention and thank all of the parents who are members of the various supporters’ groups, as you are critical to the delivery of our programs and volunteer so much time to help. I also want to thank our Convenors, staff and coaches for all of their hard work, but mostly I want to thank the students, and in particular Year 12 for all of their efforts in co-curricular activities over their time at Waverley College.

Congratulations to the Winter Award winners for 2021

>>> Click here to view the Winter Co-curricular Award winners for 2021.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular
