From the Director of Co-curriculum, Stephen O’Donnell
We were able to finally get some training and matches last week and it was a very busy weekend of co-curricular activities.
After a successful House Swimming Carnival on Friday, we were then able to showcase the new Gym by playing 1sts and 2nds Basketball against Cranbrook on Friday night. This meant a long day for staff and students in attendance but the cheering and support was tremendous. The atmosphere was great and despite the 1sts result not going our way, it was an exciting event and one we hope to do again next season.
Special thanks should go to our Basketball Supporter Group and the great work that they did on the night and, like all of our Supporter Groups, the wonderful work they do as part of our co-curricular program every weekend.
I also want to make special mention of our new Year 7 cohort who played their first round of sport for the College last weekend – well done!
CAS Round 3
This week we are hosting Trinity and it is a good opportunity to improve on some of the results from last round. Standards of behaviour and respect for officials need to be maintained and good sportsmanship at all times is essential.
Winter Sports Check / Summer Sports Photos
Please also note that on Monday February 27th we have our Winter Sports Check during an extended Mentor time, followed by Summer Sports Photos. All boys will need to bring their Summer Sports playing attire for the day and it is essential that they also have their Student ID cards. We have also concluded all winter sport changes and no student will be able to change on the day of the check.
Winter Sports Trials
We are also rapidly coming towards the end of the Summer season with only three rounds left including this week. We will then move immediately into the winter season and winter sports trials.
The first week of winter trials which commences Monday 13 March will not involve any of the swim squad who will begin the following week. Please note swim squad members will not be disadvantaged in selections. Students need to start preparing for the winter season by ensuring they have necessary gear and equipment.
Looking for Football Coaches
We are currently looking for football (soccer) coaches to coach teams from Year 7 to Year 12. Applicants will be required to attend two coaching sessions a week as well as a Saturday game.
If you are interested, please contact Stephen O’Donnell on sodonnell@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Applicants must have a current NSW Working with Children Check.
Good luck to all teams this weekend and ‘Go the Waves!’