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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

World Scholar’s Cup – Sydney Regional Round Delivers Medals to Waverley Students

On the weekend of September 10-11, Waverley College students participated in the Sydney round of the World Scholar’s Cup. Held at Queenwood School at Balmoral, the students participated in four main events: collaborative writing, team debate, Scholar’s Bowl, and Scholar’s Challenge. Participating in teams of three, all students demonstrated fantastic collaborative skills and academic rigour. 

Congratulations to the following students:

Mikayl Keshavarz, James Peate, Nick Zanapalis, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock, Campbell Porteus, Ewan McDonald, Charlie Murphy, Ricardo Zanapalis, Tashi Harrison, Jock Edwards, Harrison Rimmell and Jamie Khov.

At the closing ceremony, Waverley students earned several accolades, with all students receiving medals in a variety of categories. Special mention to Campbell, Ewan, and Charlie, who were the first placed senior team of the event. All teams who represented Waverley qualified to attend the global round, to be held overseas. 

Scholars were also invited to participate in a talent show, where Waverley was represented with two performances. James Peate played a moving piece on the acoustic guitar. Afterwards, Campbell, Ricardo, Tashi, and Jock performed a musical and dance number, which successfully blended Queen with Debussy. Both acts were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience and met with deafening applause. 

Thanks to Ms Emma Halpin for organising our participation in the event, and parents for facilitating the students to attend.


Ms Melanie Stephens

English Teacher
