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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

World’s Greatest Shave – Help Us Smash Our Goal of $10,000!

World’s Greatest Shave 2022

Lacey House has been working hard to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation through our House charity, the ‘World’s Greatest Shave.’

So far, as a school, we have raised just over $9,000, including last year’s total of $3,400. We are encouraging as many students as possible to donate to this very worthy cause, and smash our goal of $10,000.

World's Greatest Shave 2022

Yesterday, we shaved some of the heads and even waxed the legs of the students who raised the top amounts. When someone signs up to shave or cut their hair for World’s Greatest Shave, they send a powerful message of hope to the 110,000 Australians and their families facing blood cancer right now. Many people facing blood cancer lose their hair during treatment, and shaving is the ultimate act of solidarity to stand by them.

World’s Greatest Shave 2022

The funds you raise will directly support those facing blood cancer today, as well as providing precious relief to over 50 more who will receive the same devastating diagnosis tomorrow. Every single day, over 50 Australian families will receive a devastating blood cancer diagnosis. The money you raise will provide these families with the special care and support that they need to make it through the darkest days.

World’s Greatest Shave 2022

Before …

World’s Greatest Shave 2022

Before …

World’s Greatest Shave 2022


This year we would like to commend the following boys: Hamish and Owen Patient who raised $350 each, Lachlan Marzol for raising $560, Alex Janis for raising $610 and finally, Patrick Carey, who raised a whopping $1,030.

A BIG thanks to all the students who contributed, as every dollar counts for this great cause.

There’s Still Time to Donate!

>>> Click here to visit our team page to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation through our House charity, the ‘World’s Greatest Shave.’

Mr Damien Thompson

Head of House – Lacey
